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You can't beat this

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You can't beat this Empty You can't beat this

Post  Mega Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:37 pm

// #Mega

//---[ BINDS ]------------------------------------//

set fps250 "echo FPS set to 250!; seta com_maxfps 250; set switch_fps vstr fps333"

set fps333 "echo FPS set to 333!; seta com_maxfps 333; set switch_fps vstr fps125"

set fps125 "echo FPS set to 125!; seta com_maxfps 125; set switch_fps vstr fps250"

set switch_fps "vstr fps125"
bind "h" "vstr switch_fps" //pressing "H" lets me cycle thru com_maxfps

// <> Configuration


bind TAB "+scores"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind ' vsay FTMortarBarrage

bind , vsay FTCoveringFire

bind . vsay FTAttackWayPoint

bind 1 "weaponbank 1"

bind 2 "weaponbank 2"

bind 3 "weaponbank 3"

bind 4 "weaponbank 4"

bind 6 "weaponbank 6"

bind = "zoomin"

bind \ "+mlook"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind e "+leanright"

bind f "+activate"

bind l "openlimbomenu"

bind i "readyteam"

bind o "ready"

bind a "+leanleft"

bind b "+zoom"

bind t "messagemode"

bind v "mp_quickmessage"

bind ALT "playerstats"

bind c "weapalt"

bind w "+forward"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind r "+reload"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind CAPSLOCK "+mapexpand"

bind UPARROW "+topshots"

bind ALT "+stats"

bind CTRL "+speed"

bind SHIFT "+sprint"

bind DEL "+lookdown"

bind PGDN "+lookup"

bind END "centerview"

//---[ f keys ]-----------//

bind F1 "vote yes"

bind F2 "vote no"

bind F3 "class m 1; cmd vsay_team IamMedic ^z=bb ^7Medic ^z=AB"

bind F4 "class f 1; cmd vsay_team IamFieldOps ^z=bb ^7Fop ^z=AB"

bind F5 "class e 1; cmd vsay_team IamEngineer ^z=bb ^7Engineur ^z=AB"

bind F6 "class e 2; cmd vsay_team IamEngineer ^z=bb ^7Rifle ^z=AB"

bind F7 "class c 1; cmd vsay_team IamCovertOps ^z=bb ^7Covert ^z=AB"

bind F8 "class c 3; cmd vsay_team IamCovertOps ^z=bb ^7Sniper ^z=AB"

bind F9 "class s 4; cmd vsay_team IamSoldier ^z=bb ^7Panzer ^z=AB"

bind F10 "vstr s-toggle"
set smg "class s 2; set s-toggle vstr smor; cmd say_team ^z=bb MG-42 ^z=AB"
set smor "class s 5; set s-toggle vstr smg; cmd say_team ^z=bb ^7Mortar ^z=AB"
set s-toggle "vstr smor"

//---[ mouse ]-----------//

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shoot1 shoot2"

bind MOUSE2 "+movedown"

bind MOUSE3 "+reload"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 7"

bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 5"

//---[ movement ]-------//

bind w "kill; forcetapout"

bind shift "+sprint"

bind z "+forward"

bind q "+moveleft"

bind d "+moveright"

bind s "+back"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind x "+prone"

//---[ kp keys ]-------//

bind KP_HOME "autoscreenshot"

bind KP_UPARROW "setspawnpt 8; echo ^1Spawnpoint 8"

bind KP_PGUP "setspawnpt 100; echo ^1Spawnpoint 100"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "setspawnpt 4; echo ^1Spawnpoint 4"

bind KP_5 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^1Spawnpoint 5"

bind KP_RIGHTARROW "setspawnpt 6; echo ^1Spawnpoint 6"

bind KP_END "setspawnpt 1; echo ^1Spawnpoint 1"

bind KP_DOWNARROW "setspawnpt 2; echo ^1Spawnpoint 2"

bind KP_PGDN "setspawnpt 3; echo ^1Spawnpoint 3"

bind KP_ENTER "vstr say_repeat"

bind KP_INS "setspawnpt 0; echo ^0Spawnpoint 0"

bind KP_DEL "vsay oops n00bs"

bind KP_SLASH "play sound/misc/menu2; vstr prev_map"

bind KP_MINUS "vstr ch_map"

//-----------------[ CVAR SETTINGS ]--------------------//

//---[ etpro ]---------//

set b_drawRewards "0"

set b_drawPromotions "0"

set b_smallPopups "1"

set b_noTapoutWarning "0"

set b_popupStayTime "2000"

set b_popupFadeTime "2500"

set b_hudYoffset "0"

set b_descriptiveTextscale "0.5"

set b_numPopups "-1"

set b_votetextscale "0.5"

set b_drawranks "0"

set b_fireteamAlpha "0.6"

set b_lagometerAlpha "0.4"

set b_watermarkAlpha "0"

set b_chatAlpha "0"

set b_chatFlags "1"

set b_altHudFlags "5"

set b_altHud "2"

set b_popupTime "0"

set b_drawclock "1"

set b_muzzleFlash "1"

set b_tracers "2"

set b_hitsounds "1"

set b_antilag "1"

set b_simpleitems "0"

set b_backupcvars "1"

set b_mapzoom "4.659"

set b_fireteamlatchedclass "1"

set b_endround ""

//---[ client game ]-----//

set cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "0"

set cg_drawSmallPopupIcons "1"

set cg_drawFireteamOverlay "1"

set cg_instanttapout "0"

set cg_draw3dIcons "0"

set cg_drawRewards "0"

set cg_autoswitch "0"

set cg_wolfparticles "0"

set cg_drawCompass "1"

set cg_drawNotifyText "1"

set cg_quickMessageAlt "1"

set cg_popupLimboMenu "0"

set cg_descriptiveText "1"

set cg_drawTeamOverlay "2"

set cg_drawGun "1"

set cg_cursorHints "4"

set cg_voiceSpriteTime "6000"

set cg_zoomDefaultSniper "8"

set cg_zoomstepsniper "4"

set cg_predictItems "1"

set cg_autoactivate "1"

set cg_viewsize "100"

set cg_autoReload "0"

set cg_drawspreadscale "2"

set cg_shadows "0"

set cg_brassTime "0"

set cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"

set cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1"

set cg_marktime "0"

set cg_drawBuddies "1"

set cg_drawRoundTimer "1"

set cg_showblood "0"

set cg_bloodFlash "0"

set cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"

set cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"

set cg_complaintPopUp "0"

set cg_announcer "1"

set cg_printObjectiveInfo "1"

set cg_useScreenshotJPEG "1"

set cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"

set cg_autoaction "0"

set cg_zoomfov "22.5"

set cg_zoomDefaultBinoc "40"

set cg_zoomDefaultSniper "40"

set cg_zoomDefaultFG "55"

set cg_zoomStepBinoc "3"

set cg_zoomStepSnooper "5"

set cg_zoomStepFG "10"

set cg_fov "90"

set cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"

set cg_gibs "0"

set cg_drawStatus "1"

set cg_drawFPS "1"

set cg_drawSnapshot "0"

set cg_weaponCycleDelay "10"

set cg_cycleAllWeaps "1"

set cg_crosshairX "0"

set cg_crosshairY "0"

set cg_lagometer "1"

set cg_railTrailTime "0"

set cg_runpitch "0.00"

set cg_runroll "0.00"

set cg_bobup "0.00"

set cg_bobpitch "0.00"

set cg_bobroll "0.000"

set cg_bobyaw "0.000"

set cg_bloodTime "0"

set cg_teamChatTime "8000"

set cg_teamChatHeight "8"

set cg_coronas "0"

set cg_deferPlayers "1"

set cg_blinktime "100"

set cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50"

set cg_noTaunt "0"

set cg_atmosphericEffects "0"

set cg_fastSolids "1"

set cg_selectedPlayer "0"

set cg_selectedPlayerName "chippy"

set cg_teamChatsOnly "0"

set cg_noVoiceChats "1"

set cg_noVoiceText "0"

set cg_specHelp "0"

set cg_specSwing "1"

set cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"

set cg_drawNotifyText "1"

set cg_textNotify "0"

// <> crosshair

set cg_crosshairPulse "0"

set cg_crosshairColor "white"

set cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"

set cg_crosshairColorAlt "white"

set cg_coronafardist "0"

set cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"

set cg_crosshairhealth "0"

set cg_crosshairSize "24"

set cg_drawCrosshair "5"

//---[ client engine ]-----//

set cl_allowDownload "1"

set cl_anonymous "0"

set cl_autoupdate "1"

set cl_doubletapdelay "0"

set cl_freelook "1"

set cl_language "0"

set cl_maxpackets "100"

set cl_maxPing "800"

set cl_mouseAccel "0"

set cl_packetdup "1"

set cl_pitchspeed "140"

set cl_punkbuster "1"

set cl_run "1"

set cl_timeNudge "0"

set cl_wwwDownload "1"

set cl_yawspeed "140"

set cl_language "1"

//---[ sound ]-----------//

set s_volume "0.90"

set s_musicvolume "0"

set s_separation "0.5"

set s_doppler "1"

set s_khz "22"

set s_defaultsound "0"

set s_wavonly "0"

//---[ mouse ]-----------//

set m_pitch "0.01501"

set m_yaw "0.022"

set m_forward "0.25"

set m_side "0.25"

set m_filter "0"

//---[ common ]---------//

set com_hunkMegs "768"

set com_watchdog "60"

set com_crashed "0"

set com_watchdog_cmd ""

set com_introplayed "0"

set com_recommendedSet "1"

set com_recommended "0"

set com_soundMegs "32"

set com_zoneMegs "64"

set com_maxfps "125"

//---[ in commands ]---//

set in_midi "0"

set in_midiport "1"

set in_midichannel "1"

set in_mididevice "0"

set in_mouse "1"

set in_joystick "0"

set in_joyBallScale "0.02"

//---[ virtual machine ]-//

set vm_cgame "0"

set vm_game "0"

set vm_ui "0"

//---[ renderer ]-------//

set r_inGameVideo "1"

set r_highQualityVideo "1"

set r_lastValidRenderer ""

set r_intensity "2"

set r_picmip "3"

set r_picmip2 "0"

set r_gamma "3"

set r_ignorehwgamma "0"

set r_overBrightBits "0.99"

set r_uifullscreen "0"

set r_subdivisions "4"

set r_lodscale "3"

set r_lodbias "2"

set r_lodCurveError "100"

set r_loadbias "2"

set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"

set r_detailtexture "0"

set r_lowMemTextureSize "0"

set r_highQualityVideo "1"

set r_nocurves "0"

set r_nocull "0"

set r_primitives "0"

set r_facePlaneCull "1"

set r_swapInterval "0"

set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"

set r_finish "0"

set r_dlightBacks "1"

set r_dynamiclight "0"

set r_showtris "0"

set r_shownormals "0"

set r_drawSun "0"

set r_fastsky "0"

set r_flares "0"

set r_railSegmentLength "32"

set r_railCoreWidth "1"

set r_railWidth "16"

set r_vertexLight "1"

set r_simpleMipMaps "0"

set r_customaspect "1"

set r_customheight "1024"

set r_customwidth "1280"

set r_fullscreen "1"

set r_detailtextures "0"

set r_rmse "0.0"

set r_roundImagesDown "5"

set r_inGameVideo "0"

set r_ignoreFastPath "0"

set r_showmodelbounds "0"

set r_drawentities "1"

set r_CompressModels "1"

set r_mode "-1"

set r_colorbits "16"

set r_depthbits "16"

set r_stencilbits "0"

set r_texturebits "32"

set r_drawsun "0"

set r_mapoverbrightbits "3"

//---[ network ]--------//

set net_noudp "0"

set net_noipx "0"

set net_socksEnabled "0"

set net_socksServer ""

set net_socksPort "1080"

set net_socksUsername ""

set net_socksPassword ""

// ---[ game stats ]----//

set cf_wstats "1.2"

set cf_wtopshots "1.0"

//---[ demo view ]----//

set demo_avifpsF1 "0"

set demo_avifpsF2 "10"

set demo_avifpsF3 "15"

set demo_avifpsF4 "20"

set demo_avifpsF5 "24"

set demo_drawTimeScale "1"

set demo_infoWindow "1"

set demoon "autorecord; set nextdemo vstr demooff; echo ^q[^7Recording Demo^q]"

set demooff "stoprecord; set nextdemo vstr demoon; echo ^q[^7Recording Stopped^q]"

set nextdemo "vstr demoon"

//---[ video positioning ]--//

set vid_xpos "15"

set vid_ypos "43"

//---[ misc ]-----------//

set mv_sensitivity "20"

set name "^wMega^0:^w>"

set rate "25000"

set snaps "40"

sensitivity "1.10"

set cm_playerCurveClip "1"

set scr_conspeed "1337"

set g_logSync "0"

set logfile "1"

//-------------------[ MISCELLANEOUS ]----------------//

set shoot1 "+attack; +sprint"

set shoot2 "-attack; -attack; -sprint; -sprint"

//---------------------[ COMMANDS ]--------------------//

pb_security "0"

pb_sleep "250"

//----------------------[ THE END ]---------------------//



Posts : 45
Join date : 2008-12-17
Age : 30

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